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Introducing My New Website

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Welcome to my new website! I've always wanted a clean, professional-looking website, and I'm thrilled to say that I finally have one.

This website will be the future home of my development endeavors and other musings. I've had many projects on my mind to write about, but I didn't feel like my personal blog was the right place for them. Now, I've rebuilt my website in a way that feels perfect for sharing my work and ideas, and I'm really happy with how it looks and feels.

The process of creating this new design started with hiring a designer on Fiverr to help me with the look and feel. The result was a beautiful design and guidance on how to bring it to life. Of course, translating a design to code isn't always an exact science, but I'm really pleased with how close I was able to get it.

After I had the design, I started coding it up. I chose VitePress because I didn't need a cumbersome CMS or anything too heavy. I can just rebuild my website when the content changes, and I can do almost anything I want in Markdown. If I can't do it in pure Markdown, then I can use Vue.js and styling to achieve what I want.

Why VitePress? Well, I chose it for a few reasons:

  • It's lightweight and doesn't require a cumbersome CMS or anything too heavy.
  • It allows for easy rebuilding of the website when content changes.
  • It supports almost anything that can be done in Markdown, and if something can't be done in pure Markdown, then Vue.js and styling can be used to achieve it.
  • It's easy to use and doesn't require a lot of setup or configuration.
  • It's fast and efficient, making it a good choice for websites that need to load quickly.

Speaking of styling, I don't quite understand the hype around Tailwind CSS, but I loved the open props that allowed me to make my site look exactly how I wanted it to. I didn't have to spend hours fighting with a CSS framework to make it work for me. Development shouldn't be about fighting with tools, but about using them to achieve your goals.

In summary, this new blog took me a year to create (mostly because I was lazy), but I'm really happy with how it turned out. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it.